Daniel Bisogno, a quien conocemos por Ventaneando, falleció repentinamente a los 51 años

Daniel Bisogno, best known as one of the co-hosts of entertainment newsmagazine Ventaneando, has died. He was 51.

Muere DANIEL BISOGNO conductor de VENTANEANDO a los 51 años - YouTube

“It is with deepest sadness that we regret to report news we never wanted to give: our beloved Daniel Bisogno has just passed away due to complications he suffered after the liver transplant he underwent last September,” read a statement on Ventaneando’s Instagram profile.

Bisogno had been hospitalized, and his brother Alejandro visited the TV Azteca show on February 12 to share an update on his health, saying he was “very delicate.”

Celebrating the show’s 29th anniversary, Bisogno called the show from the hospital, where he remained hopeful of returning to co-host with the rest of his colleagues.

“These 29 years have been wonderful in life,” he said. “The best thing is a life that has given me everything, both good and bad, and everything has been a great experience for the most part. Absolute happiness. I love you with all my heart.”

Bisogno joined Ventaneando in 1997, a year after the show started, and quickly made a name for himself due to his sharp tongue and quick wit.

The Mexican TV personality was not only co-hosting Ventaneando, he was also starring in the musical Lagunilla, Mi Barrio.

Bisogno is survived by his brother and 8-year-old daughter, Michaela.

Muere Araceli Bisogno, madre del conductor Daniel Bisogno

Bisogno was first hospitalized in mid-2023, and after multiple medical exams, the results showed he had esophageal varicose veins, a fissure in the rectum, and COVID-19. He returned to work, and at the beginning of 2024, he returned to the hospital due to a pulmonary infection. After a few weeks, he revealed on Ventaneando that he needed a liver transplant, which he got in September of that same year.

Around mid-September, he was hospitalized again due to another infection and was discharged about a week later. Bisogno was to return to his show in November, but Ventaneando boss Pati Chapoy said he had suffered a health crisis at TV Azteca’s parking garage as he returned to work.

In January 2025, Ventaneando co-host Pedro Solo revealed Bisogno would return for the show’s anniversary. However, Bisogno didn’t return physically and instead only called into the show to talk to his co-hosts.

On February 20, Ventaneando shared that Bisogno had died “due to complications he suffered after the liver transplant he underwent last September.”

Ventaneando co-hosts react to Daniel Bisogno’s death

Pati Chapoy, Bisogno’s boss and Ventaneando co-host, took to X to share the news, posting, “With immense sadness, I inform you that Daniel Bisogno died.”

Benjamín Salinas, VP at Grupo Salinas, who owns TV Azteca, also shared his thoughts on social media.

“We deeply regret the passing of our dear friend and colleague, Daniel Bisogno, he will always be remembered with great affection by the entire @Azteca family. We send our deepest condolences to all his family and friends,” Salinas shared.

Juan José Origel: “Many don’t know but @bisognodaniel started working with me on my radio show. It was his aunt Angelica Ortiz mom of @angelicamaria who recommended him to me! Rest in Peace!”

Aurora Valle: “I’m invaded by memory and nostalgia, but above all great sadness… I’ll keep all the good and fun we’ve had together for many years. Muñe rest in peace, Daniel Bisogno.”

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